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A clean kitchen with domestos surface wipes and disinfectant spray placed on the kitchen worktop

Multi-purpose Spray

Choose a Domestos multi-purpose cleaner to be your go-to disinfectant product against the onslaught of germs around your home

Why choose a multi surface cleaner? 

For sheer convenience, it’s hard to beat a multi-surface cleaner for quick accessibility and ease of use. You can use Domestos multi-surface cleaners to clean all sorts of surfaces from your bathroom to your kitchen, and know that you’re not just cleaning, it’s also a surface disinfectant, protecting your family at the same time.  

When you need to get your surfaces really clean, and know that you’ve killed 99.99% of germs, including Coronavirus**, Domestos multi-surface antibacterial cleaners will do the trick.  

**eliminates viruses like SARS-CoV-2, when used as directed on pack. 

Surface types 

Domestos all-purpose cleaners are ideal for cleaning a wide range of surfaces around your home.  

They work best on hard, non-porous surfaces where they can get to work on the germs and bacteria that can build up in your kitchen, bathroom, or toilet. Whether you spray or wipe, you can be sure you’re getting deep down clean. Be sure to pay special attention to those areas that get the most use, including: 

  • Shower glass 

  • Kitchen counters 

  • Wall and floor tiles 

  • Sinks 

  • Toilet seats  

  • Cistern flush handles 

  • Door handles 

Get more product recommendations and hints & tips to tackle all your bathroom cleaning problems. 

Domestos Partnership with UNICEF 

Read about our mission to help 100 million people have access to clean and safe sanitation by 2030, and how you can support our partnership with UNICEF

Domestos safety 

Always make sure that you use Domestos multi-surface cleaners according to the on-pack instructions.